You will see Fast & Lasting Results with our Expert Dog Behavior Courses

Proper Pack Behavior Course

This course is the solution for ALL dog behavior issues: No more aggression, jumping, barking, soiling, chewing, biting, digging, leash pulling, running away, whining...

The Comprehensive Course

The most popular course among our clients is called The Comprehensive Obedience Course. It's designed for people who want to take the bond with their dog to the next level. The first part is our full Proper Pack Behavior Course.

Off-Leash Course

If you want your dog to be outstanding, our Off-Leash Training is for you. As we focus on building a solid foundation first, you can be confident your dog will listen once we take it off-leash.

Service Dog Course

If you need your dog to be much more than a pet, we will teach you how to train your dog to become a reliable companion - a special training for dogs that need to perform at any moment.

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